Mail and packages
- Mail is delivered to the residents Monday to Thursday through the Team Leaders
- Checks may be sent to residents in their name
- DO NOT send food or contraband; these items will be disposed of upon receipt. CPT cannot store personal food in a sanitary manner
- Contraband includes the following: drugs (prescription, OTC, or illicit drugs), glass products, pepper spray, matches/lighters, compact glass mirrors, loose tobacco, electronic devices with video or audio recording capabilities, cell phones, alcohol/alcohol based products, knives, explosives, weapons, metal nail files, loose weights/dumb bell style, fingernail/toenail clippers, and smart televisions
- Please call Team Leaders for recommendations prior to sending or bringing items.

Gift Recommendations
- Monetary gifts are recommended
- Team Leaders shop for residents’ wants and needs with resident funds
- Although clothing gifts can be appreciated, Team Leaders are unable to make returns if they do not fit well
- If you want to bring or mail a gift, please call the Team Leader to ensure the gift will not interfere with their treatment
Other Questions
How long do individuals stay at California Psychiatric Transitions(CPT)?
There is no standard time frame when it comes to the length of stay at CPT. When the client meets their treatment goals, a recommendation for a lower-level care placement is made by the treating psychiatrist.
What is your mailing address?
Our mailing address is
P.O. Box 339
Delhi, CA 95315
What are some group topics covered at CPT?
The facility offers a wide variety of topics to meet the needs of our clients. Anger management, medication education, understanding my mental illness, coping skills, independent living skills, activities of daily living (ADLs), money and budgeting management are among some of the topics covered at CPT.
What kind of personal belongings can I have at CPT?
Storage space is very limited; you will have enough room for clothes and a secure locker for some small personal belongings.
Can I smoke at CPT?
Yes, you can earn up to 8 smoke breaks a day. You are allowed one smoke break after each meal; you will have to earn each subsequent smoke break beyond that.