The mission of the Disruptive Behavioral Unit Program is to provide individuals an intensive therapeutic program that will focus directly on disruptive behaviors.

A Board Certified Psychiatrist conducts 1-on-1 staffing sessions as needed, addressing behavioral issues, medication changes, and program compliance. The psychiatrist also provides weekly group therapy sessions that gauge the overall progress of the unit. The unit at full capacity has a very high staffing ratio which provides the attention and rehabilitative skills necessary for a quicker recovery.
Medical Treatment
In addition to a high staffing ratio, the twenty-four hour nursing staff provides medications necessary to reduce agitation levels as needed, as well as activity personnel to provide group and leisure activities. A Team Leader and Program Clerk are also assigned to the unit for treatment plan implementation, progress reviews, and quarterly reporting.
Individuals whose symptoms have been stabilized maintain “continuity of care” by being admitted directly into the MHRC main program. A proven track record of success helps reinforce the individual treatment plan, reduce the recurrence of disruptive behavior, and promote successful rehabilitation.

Individual Treatment
The behaviors that are deemed severely disruptive and counterproductive to treatment include, but are not limited to the following:
- AWOL Risk
- Assaultive Behavior
- Property Damage
- Hyper-Sexual
- Hygienically Inappropriate
- Treatment Plan Non-Compliance