The Diversion Program is designed to serve court-ordered diversion and Incompetent to Stand Trial-Penal Code 1370 (IST 1370) individuals.
Individuals in this program have been incarcerated and are unable to stand trial due to a mental illness or a mental illness with a co-occurring developmental disability.
Goals and outcome
The program goal is to use a structured daily program to allow for competency restoration and diversionary programs by treating these individuals, CPT can assess whether or not an individual is competent to stand trial or is in need of further psychiatric evaluation and treatment.Daily Assessment
The daily program assists residents with rudimentary skills including activities of daily living and interactive/cognitive groups as well as comprehensive treatment plans designed to address their individual mental health needs.Training Sessions
Specific training sessions addressing competency restoration focus on such topics as:
- An understanding of courtroom proceedings; penalties, charges, and defenses; legal terminology
- Various tests used to determine levels of competency